White pudding is a sausage that is similar to blood pudding in construction. It contains bread or oats, sugar, shredded pork, and suet. Often, it will also contain onions and sweet spices like cinnamon.
It is referred to as pudding rather than sausage due to the fact that the ingredients resemble some of the steamed or baked puddings that are widely known amongst the British. The main difference is that pudding is typically stuffed into casings and then fried into individual slices.
White pudding does not contain any animal blood like blood pudding. Although similar, it has a larger circumference than banger sausage. In certain parts of the world like Scotland, you can get a smaller version that is similar in size to that of an American hot dog.
How To Enjoy White Pudding
At Hugh Maguire Butcher and Smokehouse, we have two varieties of white pudding available, including the White Pudding Chub and the Smoked Black & White Pudding Twin Pack. Often, white pudding is served in a traditional Irish breakfast along with a few slices of black pudding, eggs, baked beans, and Irish rashers.
While many Irish homes choose to forego the daily breakfast for something more simple such as a quick porridge or cereal, there are times when a bigger morning feast is enjoyed. One special feast day that might include white pudding for breakfast is St. Patrick’s Day.
Health Benefits of White Pudding
White pudding has no saturated fats or sugars. In addition, it is very low in sodium and cholesterols. There are actually a number of health benefits to eating white pudding, such as:
• Essential micronutrients like calcium and iron
• Low calorie
• Essential B vitamins
Iron is essential to the formation of the hemoglobin that transports oxygen throughout the body, while calcium is necessary for strong teeth and bones. Low-calorie foods are perfect for anyone watching their weight, while the lack of sugars and saturated fats make white pudding a great option for diabetics. Finally, vitamin B helps to strengthen the immune system so the body can more effectively fight off illness.